How To Be Spiritualized And Productive Without Doing Yoga and Waking Up 5 am

No, you don’t have to suffer from clichés. There are much better ways to achieve wealthier, healthier, and happier lives.

Gui Renno
5 min readNov 21, 2022
Photo by Alex Woods on Unsplash

One of my best friends had a girlfriend a few years ago. She was gorgeous: blonde, fit, 23, super smiling, and full of energy.

She was also a Yoga practitioner and meditator, to the point of making a living as an instructor and Social Media influencer.

They had a relationship, but it didn’t work out and they broke up after 10 months. Nothing new here.

It was only one year later, having a spicy Moscow Mule with this friend at a noisy bar, that he told me the reason why they broke up.

First, she would spy on his phone, even hacking his password.

Second, she was cheating on him. Systematically.

He found it out close to the Christmas holiday on a trip where she was going to meet his whole family. Bet you can imagine the vibe.

Real Spirituality Isn't Sexy At All

Many people have taken “ownership” of spirituality aesthetics so they can look cool and superior, like in this true “yoga-meditator” story.

In fact, Spirituality is about 3 simple things:

  • Clear and calm mind
  • Control over emotions and impulses
  • Connecting to something greater than yourself

In the story above we see the opposite of it: A very confused, impulsive, and selfish personality. Nevertheless, she was a reference of spirituality for many of her thousands of followers and students.

She might have mastered the most acrobatic Asanas (positions) or advanced breathing techniques. Without a strong and self-reflective base of what that means and why to do it, that’s just a cheap acting scene.

The truth was plain and simple: that acting just paid the bills and looked good on Instagram.

The reason people fall for that so much is that it’s way easier to embrace the looks of a higher conscious person than painfully transforming into one.

Having a trained mind, controlled emotions, and a connection with something larger than yourself is extremely uncomfortable.

It involves many resignations and washing all the accumulated inner dirt with liberating tears.

Doesn’t look much fun right?

That’s why sexy Yoga pictures and # gratitude is the popular choice.

However, we must remember that fake spiritual aesthetics have the potential to reach psychopathic levels. You might have heard about the recent case of John of God.

He was a spiritual leader admired and followed by Oprah Winfrey and many other famous people. In 2018 became public that he was the abuser of over 300 women, besides committing murder and drug trafficking.

He sustained the spiritual leader aesthetics and exerted power from it for incredible 52 years. This is how dangerous it is.

Let's Worship Money Then

Many people see how fake the so-called “spiritualized people” are and (reasonably) decide not to be part of that at all.

So they go all into the path of the "self-made man". They become the creators of their own future, being more and more powerful as they become more and more productive.

Also, very often, after "making it", people feel as empty as recent Kanye West’s head. To fill that void, they abuse substances, sex, or anything that gives them a glimpse of being alive.

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

A deadly negative spiral takes charge and before they know it, connection with reality is only sustained by an extremely fragile thread.

You probably know many of those stories: Theranos, We Work, Elron

Companies break and rebuild all the time, it’s just nature. Those are famous scandals because they all hide awful lies for a long time behind the mask of hyper productiveness many times with the sauce of supernatural.

Those scandals illustrate well how detrimental the detachment from reality is once the productiveness path is followed blindly.

At Last: To Be Spiritual = To Be Productive

We often think about spirituality and productivity as perpetual enemies, but they aren’t. Let’s make an effort to understand the following:

  • According to the Bible, The Creator created humans in his own image.
  • Therefore, the best way to serve the Creator is by creating.
  • Those creations serve to help other people, as much as possible.
  • The more we create things that help people, the more we produce.
  • The more we produce, the more productive we are.
  • The more productive we are, the wealthiest we become.
  • This idea can be clearly seen in the referred 2000+ years old book:

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good portion — packed down, firmly shaken, and overflowing — will fall into your lap. The portion you give will determine the portion you receive in return. Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Luke 6:38, Proverbs 11:25”

And also in 2021’s book from a top Silicon Valley Entrepreneur:

“Being profitable, hopefully from the very beginning, means being able to focus and to stay focused on the reason you started a business in the first place: to help others”.

Sahil Lavingia, funder and CEO of GumroadThe Minimalist Entrepreneur


Spirituality without offering a good thing for people is empty. It is whether aesthetics level or just selfish, which means, fake.

“There is a spiritual aspect to our lives — when we give, we receive — when a business does something good for somebody, that somebody feels good about them!” — Ben Cohen, Co-Founder of Ben & Jerry’s

Productivity without spirituality is dangerous. It has a tendency to push people away from reality and self-destruct, bringing lots of people with it.

When both things are put together, life makes way more sense.

  • Build a connection with something greater than yourself and train your control over your mind and emotions.
  • Use the benefits of those practices to create beautiful things.
  • Use those beautiful things to help people who need them.
  • Accept their retribution and be wealthy.
  • Live a meaningful and abundant life.

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